To customize the template you must have node, npm and Gulp installed in your computer.
node and npm
Installation guide of node can be found here. As npm comes
bundled with node, separate installation of npm is not needed.
If you have installed them, just checkout to the root folder and run the following command.
npm install
You can see that a folder node_modules is generated in your root folder with all dependencies
To start customization you will need to install Gulp for task automation.
Getting started with Gulp is pretty simple. The Gulp site is a great place to get information on installing Gulp
if you need more information.
You need to first install Gulp-cli in your machine using the below command.
We have created a Gulp configuration file (guplfile.js) which integrates many task to
automate the compilation.
We have also developed a Gulp plugin to automatically copy used dependencies from node_modules into
the template and replace all include paths related to them.
gulp build:styles
Compile Sass sources and save them into the dist directory and the demo src directory.
gulp build:scripts
Transpile ES6 Javscript sources and save them into the dist directory and the demo src directory.
gulp build
Run both of previous commands
gulp demo
Run a complete clean and build then compile demo sie with jekyll then launch a local server with watch
capability (demo site is now auto updated when you modify source code).
The component provides SASS file which can be imported into your SASS project. To ease the customization the component use following variables that can be override: